Publishing Basics

Finding Your Path to Success

Beginning with an idea or simply documenting little facts (about life), every day someone is working on a book.

For some it’s a mere exercise of creativity for others it’s recording special or not so special life events. Whatever the case one question inevitably comes up all the time. What does it take to get this thing published?

That’s the question preceding the real question what and do I have what it takes to be a successful author?

Pursuing these as both a career and passion, I think it’s safe to say no one really knows the answer to that question. The best that can be offered is a formula to help you make your project its’ best. You can read success stories from seasoned professionals to novices on their first book, the road to success has essential steps but the promise of riches inevitably requires work. With that said, here’s some important advice for prospective writers and publishers to consider.

  • Reading is More than Fundamental. Read to Write – A Lot.

Begin with what you want to write. Specifically the top books in your genre, read them to know or at least gain an idea of what sells, what the market considers a well written book. Getting a feel for what looks good and is moving in your genre will help you inject some healthy ideas into your own work. A word of caution though, don’t limit yourself. Read your genre but also allow your words, vocabulary to travel by taking in successful books across genres.  From self-help to romance the only way to get a true feel of a good piece of work is by finding; enjoying a good published piece of work.

  • Finish the Work – Write the Entire Book

Everyone enjoys a good idea, but if you can’t deliver quality on time agents won’t touch you and publishers won’t even listen to what you’ve got to say. Before you make any type of calls pitching your book, your book needs to be “finished.” This doesn’t mean it won’t need work but you need to have a complete visual of your idea in writing. This will help you better pitch your manuscript to publishers and agents. Remember if you don’t know what your book is about, how can you sell them on the possibility this is the next bestseller?

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